Be part of the journey to build our legacy. No amount of money is too little to make a difference. Every penny goes directly to support the children and our projects at the Alem foundation.
A small foundation with a big vision - we pride ourselves on honesty and transparency, allowing us to show you both our successes and our setbacks. We communicate personally and directly with our followers and donors, to allow them to become involved in our projects and be a part of the Alem Foundation family. Through our website, social media and newsletter, we seek to give you a realistic insight into who we are and what we do. We try to bring our projects in Ghana closer to you by giving updates on Facebook and Twitter and by sending out a comprehensive annual report. We believe it’s important that you know exactly what we do with your donations!
We only wish we could all be pros at everything. Fortunately we have you! If you have some tricks or expertise and would like to partner with us in making a difference please get in touch.

If you are an energetic bean and want to raise funds through your own goodwill, we would love to help you along the way.
If you have an idea for a fundraiser let us know, we love getting creative. Here are some of the ways that we have raised money and funded the little ones school fees.
Pie and mash nights | organising parties, selling old mobile phones | non uniform days | cake selling | children's sponsored cycle rides | car boot sales| sponsored a scholarship | Matathons | SCHOOL TALKS
Some things spread like wildfire. If you like what we are about, share us in your social communities and get people talking about what we are doing. Just click the links below.